Open To Grace Christian Yoga Community Restorative Practice Apr 3rd/21

A restorative practice for Easter. An opportunity to draw close to God’s heart, to adore King Jesus. Let us meditate on several scriptures and words read from the song “In Christ Alone” , words that express the simple truths of our faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and our eternal destiny in Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit will bless us with a deeper understanding and revelation of God’s perfect love for each of us through the cross of Jesus. May our hearts and our bodies be renewed, may we live for Him and in Him!
We start with a lying down warm up and move into several restorative poses that we will hold for a few minutes each using props to support us and inviting relaxation and renewal in Christ. 💛 Sandy
Items needed for this practice:
2 blankets, 2 large pillows , yoga blocks if you have them (if not a large book) , a chair, any other items that are meaningful for you such as your bible, a candle, essential oils.